Banana Spread

Banana Spread

Bananas are probably the favourite fruit for most people, I am no exception. I had a few bananas going very ripe, so I had whip up something quickly with them. Here is an easy recipe to make a spread out of bananas.

Contributed by Rajan Manickavasagam.

Published 12. July 2012


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 3 peeled cardamoms
  • 2 tablespoon honey


  • Remove the seeds from the cardamom pod.
  • Add all the ingredients and mash them using a hand blender.
  • Ensure that the mash has a thick spread like consistency.
  • Refrigerate the spread overnight.
  • The spread can be used as a topping for bread, pancakes, cornflakes, oats or ice cream. 
    Happy eating.

Further details

Serves 3-4 people.
Preparation time is approximately 5 min.
Cooking time is approximately 5 min.


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